local_co plots for flight cirpas_20060907 based on GFS data

Dates (YYYYMMDD) and times (HHMMSS) indicate the ending times of retroplume releases for this data set

20060907 181146
20060907 181205
20060907 181231
20060907 181530
20060907 181630
20060907 181725
20060907 181809
20060907 181847
20060907 181935
20060907 182029
20060907 182118
20060907 182229
20060907 182356
20060907 182424
20060907 182459
20060907 183018
20060907 183646
20060907 184311
20060907 185036
20060907 185701
20060907 190428
20060907 190956
20060907 191202
20060907 191215
20060907 191235
20060907 191309
20060907 191329
20060907 191358
20060907 191428
20060907 191500
20060907 191521
20060907 191544
20060907 191601
20060907 191628
20060907 192147
20060907 192722
20060907 193430
20060907 193928
20060907 194038
20060907 194118
20060907 194655
20060907 195154
20060907 195909
20060907 200403
20060907 200431
20060907 200510
20060907 200946
20060907 202341
20060907 202545
20060907 202641
20060907 202724
20060907 202805
20060907 202847
20060907 203319
20060907 203711
20060907 204113
20060907 204130
20060907 204147
20060907 204203
20060907 204220
20060907 204232
20060907 204246
20060907 204303
20060907 204316
20060907 204331
20060907 204342
20060907 204353
20060907 204406
20060907 204420
20060907 204430
20060907 204443
20060907 205440
20060907 205930
20060907 210142
20060907 210312
20060907 210429
20060907 210727
20060907 210948
20060907 211029
20060907 211239
20060907 211442
20060907 211548
20060907 211655
20060907 211859
20060907 211942
20060907 212143
20060907 212338
20060907 212536
20060907 212613
20060907 212655
20060907 212746
20060907 212821
20060907 212911
20060907 212947
20060907 213041
20060907 213126
20060907 213201
20060907 213248
20060907 213332
20060907 213407
20060907 213451
20060907 213531
20060907 213606
20060907 213640
20060907 213714
20060907 213756
20060907 213823
20060907 213854
20060907 213928
20060907 214005
20060907 214033
20060907 214102
20060907 214205
20060907 214748
20060907 215116
20060907 215200
20060907 215249
20060907 215324
20060907 215359
20060907 215409