Andreas STOHL's
Favorite Links

Learning about meteorology

Climate sites

Weather forecasts

Meteorology sites

Air Pollution Modelling

Journals: Tables of Contents

Personal home pages

Software and data


Learning about meteorology

Meteorological Glossary

Meteorology - The Online Guides

Lectures on Meteorology

Manual of synoptic satellite meteorology

Very basic courses on remote sensing, climatology, hydrology, etc. (in German)

An explanation of vorticity

The El Nino Theme Page

The Ozone Hole Tour. Excellent!

Air Quality Meteorology: A course

Climate sites

Hadley Centre

Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum

Weather forecasts

Georgs Wetterzentrale: probably the best weather site of the world (at least in Europe).

ARL Ready homepage: Weather maps and forecasts, and interactive trajectory calculations!

Central Institute of Meteorology and Geodynamics, Vienna.

Austro Control Weather Forecasts, Vienna.

DWD German Weather Forecasts

University of Nottingham's satellite image archive

Dundee Satellite Receiving Station

Meteorology sites

European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF)

Institute of Meteorology, Vienna. My former institute

Institute of Meteorology and Geophysics, Vienna. Also a former institute

Meteorological Institute, Munich

Institute of Atmospheric Physics, DLR, Oberpfaffenhofen

The MM5 model

The RAMS model

World Meteorological Organization

Oesterreichische Gesellschaft fuer Meteorologie

Deutsche Meteorologische Gesellschaft

The Mesoscale Alpine Programme

Air Pollution Modelling

Air Resources Laboratory

Compiled information on Indonesian forest fires

Links on Air Pollution Modeling

European Topic Centre on Air Quality / Model Documentation System

Journals: Tables of Contents

Agricultural and Forest Meteorology

AGU Journals (J. Geophysical Research, Geophys. Res. Lett., etc.)

AMS Journals and Newsletter (J. Atmos. Sci., J. Applied Meteorol., Mon. Wea. Rev., etc.)


Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

Atmospheric Environment

Atmospheric Research

Australian Meteorological Magazine

Boundary-Layer Meteorology

Climate Research

Climatic Change

Computers & Geosciences

Environmental Science and Technology


IGACtivities Newsletter, online

Il Nuovo Cimento

Int. J. Climatology

Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association

J. Atmospheric Chemistry

J. Fluid Mechanics

J. Meteor. Soc. Japan

Meteor. Applications

Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics

Meteorologische Zeitschrift


Nature Geosciences

Quarterly J. Royal Meteorological Society

Regional Environmental Change


Science of the Total Environment

Tellus A

Tellus B

Theoretical and Applied Climatology

Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics

Water, Air and Soil Pollution


Web of Science

Personal home pages

Jon Kahl's Web Site

Roger A. Pielke's Homepage

Marek Uliasz's Home Page

Gerhard Wotawa's Home Page

Michael Sigmond's Home Page

Heini Wernli's Home Page

Software and data

Gnuplot Central Home Page

NCAR Graphics Home Page

Vis5D Home Page

Convert LATEX into HTML documents

Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation

Scientific Applications on LINUX

Numerical recipes online

A collection of mathematical software, papers and databases

On-line info on chemical compounds

World Ozone and Ultraviolet Radiation Data Centre

Climate Prediction Center: Met. Maps, including re-analysis data

Climate Diagnostics Center: Met. Maps, including re-analysis data

Radiosonde data from NOAA FSL

Global satellite images from NESDIS archives

TOMS images and data

SeaWiFS satellite data and images, e.g. aerosols

The ATMOS user center; total ozone maps, etc.

Atmospheric Sciences Data Center: Data from various satellite missions (e.g., SAGE, POAM, etc.)

GOME data from the University of Bremen

International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (Global cloud data)

Global Precipitation Climatology Project

Global lightning data

Global emission and population data from GEIA

Global emission data from EDGAR

European emission data from EMEP

FIRE GLOBE: Extensive! information on wildfires

High-resolution global maps of landuse and topography from USGS

The MOZAIC database


EnviroComp, an Internet based institute on Environmental Computing

Freie Universitaet Berlin, Material about the stratosphere

The EUROTRAC homepage

The IGAC homepage

Deutsche Bahn, timetable, etc.

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Last update: 10 July 2001