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Station Contact Person(s) Observation Data and Quick Plot

Category : Air sampling observation
Situation : ongoing
Time zone : Local time +1

Sampling height : 10
Description : filter
Sampling and analysis frequency : Daily
Sampling environment :
Description for sampling analysis : Air samples are collected by means of a pump, air flow controller, gas meter system on a fritted glass filter through an air intake at 10 m above the ground. The air flow is about 0.5 l/minute, the sampling time is 24 hours. The sodium hydroxide, sodium iodide impregnated filter absorbs the nitrogen dioxide where iodide reduces nitrogen dioxide to nitrite ion. The hydroxide is converted to carbonate during sampling due to uptake of carbon dioxide. The nitrite formed on the glass filter is extracted with deionized water. After extraction nitrite concentration can be determined by spectrophotometry by the Griess method. The annual average concentrations are calculated from the monthly ones,while the monthly averages are based on the daily value.
Modified Saltzman method, absorption by triethanol-amin solution.

Instrument and Analysis
Measurement method : Light absorption analysis (UV)
Current status and history of instrument : UV Spectrophotometry
Description of instrument : NILU

Current scale employed in the measurement :
Measurement calibration :
Scale and calibration(treasability) : others

Data Processing
Measurement unit : ugN/m3-25C
Data processing :
Processing for averaging : Processing for Hourly Data:
Not applicable
Processing for Daily Data:
Valid if >50% of hours are sampled
Processing for Monthly Data:
Valid if daily values are available for >50% of days of the month.
Data flag : below the detection limit :6
no data available :8
Data remarks :

Other Information
Scientific aim : Determination of the long-term trend in the atmospheric NO2 mixing ratio
Reference :

submitted by Hungarian Meteorological Service

The WDCGG is operated by the Japan Meteorological Agency
in collaboration with the World Meteorological Organization