
Data Policy
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Station Contact Person(s) Observation Data and Quick Plot

Category : Air sampling observation
Situation : ongoing
Time zone :

Sampling height :
Description : continuous
Sampling and analysis frequency : Daily
Sampling environment :
Description for sampling analysis : Manual sampling.Sample air from intake of 3 meters above ground is introduced into the instalation which consist of a flowmeter, a critical orifice and an absorption tube. Sampling interval is 24 hours starting at 1 PM. Samples are stored for 30-40 days in a fridge before beeing transported to the lab for analise.

Instrument and Analysis
Measurement method :
Current status and history of instrument : Saltzman
Description of instrument :

Current scale employed in the measurement : 0 and 30 ug/m3
Measurement calibration : Home-made permeation devices
Scale and calibration(treasability) : 0 and 30 ug/m3

Data Processing
Measurement unit : ug/m3-25C
Data processing : Sampling is 24 hours starting at 12PM Samples are stored refrigerated for 30-40 days before analises.
Processing for averaging :

Data flag :
Data remarks :

Other Information
Scientific aim :
Reference :

submitted by National Meteorological Administration

The WDCGG is operated by the Japan Meteorological Agency
in collaboration with the World Meteorological Organization