
Data Policy
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Station Contact Person(s) Observation Data and Quick Plot

Category : Air sampling observation
Situation : ongoing
Time zone : Local time +1

Sampling height :
Description : continuous
Sampling and analysis frequency : 1 minute
Sampling environment :
Description for sampling analysis : Air Intake: open-face, ambient

Instrument and Analysis
Measurement method : Chemiluminescence
Current status and history of instrument : Chemilumineszenz, Photolysekonverter
Description of instrument : Eco Physics AG
[2001-11-06 thru 2006-01-01] CLD 770;
[2006-01-01 thru 2008-04-28] TEI 42C TL (Thermo Environmental Instruments Inc.);
Since 2008-04-28 Thermo 42i TL (Thermo Scientific)

Current scale employed in the measurement : NMI PRM BD11 (20ppm ± 0.2ppm)
Measurement calibration : automatic zero and span checks every 25 hrs.; manual zero and span checks every 2 weeks; yearly check of converter efficiency using gas-phase titration
Scale and calibration(treasability) : Since 11/2001: NMI PRM BD11 (20ppm ± 0.2ppm); NMI is equivalent to NIST (refer to the “Declaration of Equivalence“ between NMI und NIST)

Data Processing
Measurement unit : ppbv
Data processing : Quality assurance procedures involve time series plots, consistency checks. All aggregate calculations based on 10-minute aggregates with greater than 75% availability
Processing for averaging : Processing for Hourly Data:
Estimated standard uncertainty for hourly aggregates:
[2001-11-06 thru 2006-01-01] 0.004 ppbv below 0.04 ppbv, 10 % otherwise;
Processing for Daily Data:
Estimated standard uncertainty for daily aggregates:
[2006-01-01 thru 2009-01-01] uncertainty = 2^0.5*[(0.0816 ppb)^2 + (0.0318 *c)^2]^0.5;
[2009-01-01 thru 2010-01-01] uncertainty = 2^0.5[(0.1291ppb)^2+(0.0320*c)^2]^0.5;
[since 2010-01-01] uncertainty = 2^0.5[(0.1291ppb)^2+(0.0341*c)^2]^0.5
Data flag :
Data remarks : SD: If the SD is listed: Instead of the SD (standard deviation), the standard uncertainty is given.

Other Information
Scientific aim :
Reference :

submitted by Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research

The WDCGG is operated by the Japan Meteorological Agency
in collaboration with the World Meteorological Organization