Information on the products for the Candian boreal forest fires in 2003
Released tracer: BC
Simulation extends from 12 May 2003 0 UTC til 18 September 2003 0 UTC. A passive BC tracer was used, tracer particles were deleted after 20 days of transport. The fire emission inventory was provided by David Lavoue. No age spectra were calculated.
The model output domain covers the northern hemisphere (from 10 deg S, and starting at 179 deg W) at 2 deg resolution. In addition, a fine nest with 0.4x0.4 deg resolution is available for the region 170 W - 20 W and north of 30 N. Vertical layers are from 0-100m, 100-200m, 200-400m, 400-700m, 700-1000m, and then 500m up to 11 km, plus layers 11-12km, 12-13km, 13-15km, and above. Output is hourly.
No mixing ratio output is available.