NILU Forecast Products based on a combination of the GFS, FLEXTRA, and FLEXPART models

This is the entrance portal to tracer forecasts using the transport model FLEXPART, trajectory forecasts using the trajectory model FLEXTRA, and some plots of meteorological parameters.

Please read this important information first before using the model products.

While all trajectory and meteorology plots are produced by the forecast system and directly accessible through this webpage, only a few selected tracer plots are provided. We recommend to use this interactive tool for plotting FLEXPART tracers:

The interactive tool for producing custom-made plots

CO-Tracers Trajectories Meteorol. fields


Here, a few static tracer plots are provided for orientation.
The main access to the FLEXPART products is via the interactive tool above.
Please note that also NO2 and SO2 tracers are available via the interactive tool.

European tracers

Asian tracers

N-American tracers

Biomass burning tracers


Backward Trajectories from Zeppelin station

Forward Trajectories from Zeppelin station

Backward Trajectories from Longyearbyen

Forward Trajectories from Longyearbyen

Warm Conveyor Belt Trajectories

GFS Meteorological fields

Geopotential Height (500 hPa)

Surface Pressure

Ground or Water Surface CAPE

Equivalent Potential Temperature

Vertical Velocity (500 hPa)

Convective Precipitation

Total Convective Cloudcover

If you have questions on the modelling products please contact Andreas Stohl (Tel: +47 6389 8035).

Last updated: 4 February 2007