Geir Ole Braathen

R&D Director

Geir Braathen got his education at the University of Oslo, where he obtained his dr. scient. degree in 1986 in the field of physical chemistry (molecular spectroscopy). He then spent two years at the University of California, Berkeley, as a post-doctoral fellow (funded through an Odd Hassel fellowship from the Norwegian Research Council). He has been employed at NILU since 1988.

At NILU Braathen has had a particular responsibility for stratospheric ozone research. He is an expert on measurements and analysis of observational data on the stratospheric ozone layer. In particular, he has worked on ozonesonde observations and he uses such data to quantify the degree of ozone loss in the Arctic.

Since 1 Dec. 2004 he is R & D Director with a special responsibility for:

  • Coordinating the focus areas of NILU's research
  • Taking initiatives to develop the comptence within NILU's focus areas
  • Taking initiatives to implement systems for the exchange of comptence
  • Coordinating NILU's proposals to new and large research programmes
  • Guidance, support and coordination in conjuction with proposals to the EU
  • Leading the R&D Forum
  • Representing NILU externally

Braathen is currently co-ordinating three EU projects (QUILT, FORMAT and GMES-GATO).

Braathen has been project leader for a number of ozone projects. He is or has been project leader for >20 EU projects within the field (in six of them as coordinator).

He is project leader for the national project for ozone monitoring, funded by the State Pollution Control Authority. He has built NILU’s data centre for stratospheric ozone research (NADIR), a centre that serves several hundred ozone scientists from all over the world. He has been  member of the Core Group for all four European Ozone Campaigns (EASOE, SESAME, THESEO, THESEO-2000) and is currently member of the executive committee of the SCOUT-O3 integrated project.

He has been member of the steering committee for the Network for the Detection of Stratospheric Change (NDSC) since 1992 and he was elected co-chair in September 2004.

Phone: +47 63 89 81 80
Mobile: +47 95 17 71 25
Fax: +47 63 89 80 50


Other Activities

List of peer-reviewed papers

List of conference presentations

NILU reports

Polar ozone loss


Last update: 8 December 2004