Geir O. Braathen


Sorted alphabetically by first author

Arlander, D.W., K.J. Karlsen Tørnkvist and G.O. Braathen, Ground-based UV/Vis measurements of Stratospheric Molecules at Svalbard. The 24th Annual European Meeting on Atmospheric Studies by Optical Methods, Andenes, Norway, 18-22. August, 1997.

Arlander, D.W., K.J. Karlsen Tørnkvist and G.O. Braathen, Ground-based UV/Vis measurements of Stratospheric Molecules at Svalbard. Poster presentation at the Fourth European Workshop on Polar Stratospheric Ozone Research, Schliersee, Germany, 22. - 26. September 1997.

Braathen, G.O.: Ozone soundings from Bear Island during the winter 88/89. Nordic seminar on arctic stratospheric ozone research, Oslo, 25 May 1989.

Braathen, G.O.: Ozone soundings from Bear Island during the winter 88/89. BMFT Workshop "Die nordpolare Stratosphäre im Winter 1988/89", Bonn, 12-13 June, 1989.

Braathen, G.O.: Atmospheric chemistry research station, Ny-Ålesund, Spitsbergen. BMFT Workshop "Die nordpolare Stratosphäre im Winter 1988/89", Bonn, 12-13 June, 1989.

Braathen, G.O.: Norwegian contributions to the science and coordination of the European Arctic Stratospheric Ozone Experiment (EASOE). Presented at a meeting of The Group for Ozone Monitoring and Research in the Nordic Countries, Copenhagen, 8 March 1991.

Braathen, G.O. and E. Joranger: The atmospheric chemistry research station on the Zeppelin Mountain. Presented at the Fifth International Meeting on Arctic Air Chemistry, Charlottenlund, Denmark, September 1992.

Braathen, G.O., Trend analysis of ozone on isentropic levels during the winter 1991/92. Poster presentation at the Second European Workshop on Polar Stratospheric Ozone Research, Schliersee, Germany, 29 Sept. - 2 Oct., 1992.

Braathen, G.O., M. Rummukainen and E. Kyrö, Ozone trends and PSC incidence in the Arctic vortex during the seven winters from 1988-89 to 1994-95, Poster presentation at the Third European Workshop on Polar Stratospheric Ozone Research, Schliersee, Germany, Sept. 1995.

Braathen, G.O., P. von der Gathen, E. Kyrö, M. Rummukainen, I.S. Mikkelsen, H. Fast, V. Dorokhov, and M. Gil. Temporal evolution of ozone in the polar vortex during the nine winters from 1988-89 to 1996-97. In: Proceedings of the fourth European Symposium on Polar Stratospheric Ozone, 22 to 26 September 1997. (European Commission, Air pollution research report 66) pp. 249-252, 1997.

Braathen, G.O. and G. Velders (1998):, Chapter 3, Stratospheric Ozone, in Report on Europe's environment (Dobris+3), Copenhagen.

Braathen, G.O., Towards an Arctic ozone hole?, Oral presentation and poster, 27th Internat. Symp. on Remote Sensing of the Environment, Tromsø, Norway, May 1998. 2nd prize for best oral presentation.

Braathen et al., April 2000, Temporal evolution of ozone in the Arctic vortex from 1988-89 to 1999-2000, 25th EGS General Assembly, Nice, Poster

Braathen et al., July 2000, Temporal evolution of ozone in the Arctic vortex from 1988-89 to 1999-2000, Quadrennial Ozone Symp., Sapporo, Poster

Braathen et al., July 2000, Temporal evolution of ozone in the Arctic vortex from 1988-89 to 1999-2000, Quadrennial Ozone Symp., Sapporo, Oral pres.

Braathen and Stordal, July 2000, Arctic vortex climatology from the ECMWF ERA-15 data. Quadrennial Ozone Symp., Sapporo, Poster.

Braathen et al, Sept. 2000, Temporal evolution of ozone in the Arctic vortex from 1988-89 to 1999-2000, THESE02000/SOLVE science meeting (Palermo), Poster.

Braathen and Stordal, Sept. 2000, Meteorology of the 1999-2000 polar vortex in relation to earlier winters, THESE02000/SOLVE science meeting (Palermo), Poster.

Braathen and Naujokat, Sept 2000, Meteorology and ozone loss in the Arctic winter of 1999-2000, THESE02000/SOLVE science meeting (Palermo), Invited overview lecture.

Braathen and Proffitt., Nov. 2000, Polar vortex climatology from the ECMWF ERA-15 data, SPARC 2nd General Assembly, Mar del Plata, Poster.

Braathen and Naujokat, Dec 2000, Meteorology and ozone loss in the Arctic winter of 1999-2000, AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, Invited overview lecture.

Braathen, G.O., Müller, M.; Sinnhuber, B.-M.; von der Gathen, P.; Kyrö, E.; Mikkelsen, I.S.; Bojkov, B.R.; Dorokhov, V., March 2001, Temporal evolution of ozone in the Arctic vortex from 1988-89 to 2000-01, EGS General Assembly, Nice, Poster.

Braathen, G.O.; Sinnhuber, B.M.; Chipperfield, M.; von der Gathen, P.; Kyroe, E.; Fast, H.; Bojkov, B.R., March 2001, Systematic comparison of ozonesonde profiles and data from the SLIMCAT 3-D CTM obtained during the Theseo 2000 Campaign, EGS General Assembly, Nice.

Braathen, G.O.; Stordal, F.; Proffitt, M.H., March 2001, Meteorology of the 1999-2000 polar vortex in relation to earlier winters, EGS General Assembly, Nice.

Braathen, G., April 2002, Long term changes in the polar vortices, EGS General Assembly, Nice, Poster

Braathen, G.; Sinnhuber, B.-M.; Müller, M.,April 2002, Ozone loss in the Arctic from 1988-89 to present, EGS General Assembly, Nice, Poster.

Braathen, G.O., Sinnhuber, B.M. and Müller, M., Ozone loss in the Arctic from 1988-89 to present, Proc. Sixth European Symp. on Stratospheric Ozone, Göteborg, Sweden 2-6 September 2002. Abstracts of presentations and posters. p.20, 2002.

Braathen, G., April 2003, Intercomparison of stratospheric ozone and temperature measurements at the Observatoire de Haute Provence during the OTOIC NDSC validation campaign from 1-18 July 1997, EGS General Assembly, Nice.

Braathen, G.; Mueller, M.; Sinnhuber, B.-M.; Chipperfield, M.; von der Gathen, P.; Kyro, E.; Mikkelsen, I.S. ; Dorokhov, V.; Fast, H.; Parrondo, C., April 2003, Quantifying the chemical ozone loss in the polar vortex during the fifteen winters from 1988-89 to 2002-2003, EGS General Assembly, Nice.

Braathen, G.O., Nov. 2003, GMES-GATO A concerted action to develop a strategy for global atmospheric observations within GMES, Invited oral presentation at GMES 4th Forum Meeting, Baveno, Italy, 28.-29/11-2003.

Braathen, G. Long-term changes in the polar vortices, Proc. of XX Quadrennial Ozone Symposium, 1-8 June 2004, Kos, Greece.

Braathen, G. N. Harris and J. Levine (eds), EUR 21154 - GMES-GATO, A European Strategy for Global Atmospheric Monitoring, Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications on the European Communities, 2004 - 112 pp., ISBN 92-894-4734-6.

Fabian, R., R. Neuber, B.C. Krüger and G. Braathen: Atmospheric Ozone Abundances Measured in Ny-Ålesund, Spitsbergen in Winter 89/90. First European Workshop on Polar Stratospheric Ozone Research, Schliersee, Germany, 3-5 October, 1990.

Fahey, D.W., G. Braathen, D. Cariolle, Y. Kondo et al., Polar Ozone, Chapter 3 in Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion: 1994, Global Ozone Research and Monitoring Project - Report no. 37, World Meteorological Organization, Geneva, 1995. ISBN 92-807-1449-X

Fløisand, I., F. Stordal and G.O. Braathen (1993): Chemical ozone depletion at Bear Island during the winter and spring of 1992 and 1993. Presented at ASI NATO "Low temperature chemistry of the atmosphere", Maratea, Italy, 30 August - 11 September 1993.

Fløisand, I. and F. Stordal (1994): Ozone loss in the Northern Hemisphere, spring 1993: Trajectory model simulation. In: Third Nordic Symposium on Atmospheric Chemistry. Proceedings of NORSAC `93. Ed. by C.J. Nielsen. Lillestrøm (NILU OR 20/94).

Høiskar, B.A.K. and G.O. Braathen, Analysis of SAOZ UV/Vis measurements from 1991 to 1996, Proceedings of the Third NySMAC meeting, NILU, Kjeller, 9-11. April 1997. NILU OR 19/97. ISBN 82-425-0866-6.

Isaksen, I., P. von der Gathen, G. Braathen, M. Chipperfield, F. Goutail, N.R.P. Harris, R. Müller and M. Rex (1997): Ozone loss, chapter 5 in European research in the stratosphere. The contribution of EASOE and SESAME to our current understanding of the ozone layer, European Communities, Luxembourg. ISBN 92-827-9719-8.

Isaksen, I.S.A., Gauss, M., Myhre, G., Iversen, T., Stebel, K., Orsolini, Y., Braathen, G., Hansen, G., Sundet, J.K. and Stordal, F., Ozone and particles are important for the climate, Cicerone, vol. 12, no. 6, 22-26 (2003).

Kivi, R., E. Kyrö, A.R. MacKenzie, V.V. Rudakov, V.V. Khattatov, M.P. Chipperfield, A.M. Lee, G. Braathen, H. Gernandt, I.S. Mikkelsen and M. Molyneux, APE/Polecat transport studies: Ozone sondes during APE, Proceedings of the Fourth European Workshop on Polar Stratospheric Ozone Research, Schliersee, Germany, 22. - 26. September 1997.

Knudsen, B., P. von der Gathen, G. O. Braathen, R. Fabian, T. S. Jørgensen, E. Kyrö, R. Neuber, and M. Rummukainen, Temporal development of the correlation between ozone and potential vorticity in the Arctic in the winters 1988/89, 1989/90 and 1990/91, Proc. of the Quad. Ozone Symposium 1992, Ed. R. D. Hudson, Charlottesville, Virginia, June 4-13, 1992, NASA Conference Publication 3266, 504-507, 1994.

Kåstad, B.A., A. Dahlback and G.O. Braathen, Improved air mass factors as obtained from lidar aerosol measurements. Poster presentation at the Second European Workshop on Polar Stratospheric Ozone Research, Schliersee, Germany, 29 Sept. - 2 Oct., 1992.

Liu Li, Frode Flatøy, Jostein Sundet, Geir Braathen, Assessment of performance of a regional CTM during the 2002 FORMAT campaign, Proc. of XX Quadrennial Ozone Symposium, 1-8 June 2004, Kos, Greece

Meijer,Y.J, D. P. J. Swart, M. Allaart, S. B. Andersen, G. Bodeker, I. Boyd, G. Braathen, Y. Calisesi, H. Claude, V. Dorokhov, P. von der Gathen, M. Gil, S. Godin-Beekmann, F. Goutail, G. Hansen, A. Karpetchko, P. Keckhut, H. M. Kelder, R. Koelemeijer, B. Kois, R. M. Koopman, J.-C. Lambert, T. Leblanc, I. S. McDermid, S. Pal, G. Kopp, H. Schets, R. Stubi, T. Suortti, G. Visconti, and M. Yela), Pole-to-pole validation of GOMOS ozone profiles using data from ground-based and balloon-sonde measurements, Proc. of XX Quadrennial Ozone Symposium, 1-8 June 2004, Kos, Greece.

Newman, P.A., J.A. Pyle, J. Austin, G.O. Braathen et al., Polar Stratospheric Ozone, Past and Future, Chapter 3 in Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion: 2002, Global Ozone Research and Monitoring Project - Report no. 47, World Meteorological Organization, Geneva, 2003, ISBN 92-807-2261-1.

Rex, M., von der Gathen, P., Schulz, A., Herrman, P., Harris, N.R.P., Braathen, G.O. et al., Chemical and dynamical processes that regulate the abundance of Arctic ozone during winter - empirical quantification and assessment of our current understanding, Proc. Sixth European Symp. on Stratospheric Ozone, Göteborg, Sweden 2-6 September 2002. pp. 168-169.

Sinnhuber, B.-M., S. Davies, M. P. Chipperfield, G. O. Braathen, F. Goutail, M. Guirlet, H. Jost, J. Greenblatt, M Rex, P von der Gathen, E. C. Richard, Comparison of modeled and observed ozone loss during winter 1999/2000, SOLVE-THESEO 2000 Science Meeting, Palermo,Italy, 25-29 September 2000. (Poster)

Stordal, F., G.O. Braathen and Ø. Hov: Tropospheric ozone profiles measured at Bear Island (74.5 °N). Presented at the European Geophysical Society XVI General Assembly, Wiesbaden, Germany, 22-26 April, 1991.

Stordal, F., G.O. Braathen, N. Larsen, B. Knudsen, P. Eriksen, B. Rognerud and I. Isaksen, 1992: Measurements of O3 , NO2 and OClO and photochemical-microphysical model simulations. Presented at the Quadrennial Ozone Symposium, Charlottesville, Virginia, June 1992.

Streibel M., P. von der Gathen, M. Rex, H. Deckelmann, N. R. P. Harris, G. O. Braathen, M. P. Chipperfield, G. Millard, E. Reimer, R. Alfier, M. Allaart, S. B. Andersen, J. Araujo, D. Balis, O. Billett, C. Cambridge, H. Claude, S. R. Colwell, J. Davies, H. De Backer, T. Deshler, H. Dier, V. Dorokhov, J. Easson, H. Fast, M. Gerding, M. Ginzburg, S. Godin-Beekmann, B. Johnson, J. A. Karhu, A. Klekociuk, E. Kyr?, Z. Litynska, D. Moore, E. Moran, T. Nagai , H. Nakane, C. Parrondo, F. Ravegnani, H. K. Roscoe, K. Sato, J. D. Shanklin, P. Skrivankova, R. Stübi, O.-P. Tripathi, C. Varotsos, C. Vialle, P. Viatte, T. Yamanouchi, M. Yela, N.Yoshizawa, V. Yushkov, C. S. Zerefos, Ozone loss rates over the Arctic 2002/03 and Antarctic 2003 measured with the Match approach, Proc. of XX Quadrennial Ozone Symposium, 1-8 June 2004, Kos, Greece

Stroh, F., A. Adriani, G. Amanatidis, G. Braathen, K. Carslaw, P. Faucon, N. Harris, H. Kuellman, N. Larsen, G. Mégie, J.P. Pommereau, M. Van Roozendael, Overview of the Results of the Third European Stratospheric Experiment on Ozone 2000 (THESEO 2000). Talk, AGU 2000 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 15-19, 2000.

Taalas, P., J. Damski, A. Korpela, T. Koskela and E. Kyrö, Connections between atmospheric ozone, the climate system and UV-B radiation in the Arctic, NATO ASI Series, Vol. I 32, Atmospheric Ozone as a Climate Gas, Editors Wei-Chyung Wang and Ivar S.A. Isaksen, 1995.

Tørnkvist, K.K; Høiskar, B.A.K; Braathen, G.O.; Chipperfield, M.P., April 2003, Ground-based UV-visible measurements of ozone, NO2, BrO and OClO from Ny-Ålesund and Andøya, EGS General Assembly, Nice.

Streibel, M., von der Gathen, P., Rex, M., Deckelmann, H., Harris, N.R.P., Braathen, G.O., Chipperfield, M.P., Millard, G., Reimer, E., Alfier, R., Allaart, M., Andersen, S.B., Araujo, J., Balis, D., Billett, O., Cambridge, C., Claude, H., Colwell, S.R., Davies, J., De Backer, H., Deshler, T., Dier, H., Dorokhov, V., Easson, J., Fast, H., Gerding, M., Ginzburg, M., Godin-Beekmann, S., Johnson, B., Karhu, J.A., Klekociuk, A., Kyrø, E., Litynska, Z., Moore, D., Moran, E., Nagai T., Nakane, H., Parrondo, C., Ravegnani, F., Roscoe, H.K., Sato, K., Shanklin, J.D., Skrivankova, P., Stübi, R., Tripathi, O.-P., Varotsos, C., Vialle, C., Viatte, P., Yamanouchi, T., Yela, M., Yoshizawa, N., Yushkov, V. and Zerefos, C.S., Ozone loss rates over the Arctic 2002/03 and Antarctic 2003 measured with the Match approach, Ozone. Proceedings of the XX Quadrennial ozone symposium, Kos, Greece, 2004. Ed. by C.S. Zerefos. Athens, International Ozone Commission, 2004. Vol. 1, pp. 55.

Meijer, Y.J, Swart, D.P.J., Allaart, M., Andersen, S.B., Bodeker, G., Boyd, I., Braathen, G., Calisesi, Y., Claude, H., Dorokhov, V., von der Gathen, P., Gil, M., Godin-Beekmann, S., Goutail, F., Hansen, G., Karpetchko, A., Keckhut, P., Kelder, H.M., Koelemeijer, R., Kois, B., Koopman, R.M., Lambert, J.-C., Leblanc, T., McDermid, I.S., Pal, S., Kopp, G., Schets, H., Stubi, R., Suortti, T., Visconti, G. and Yela, M., Pole-to-pole validation of GOMOS ozone profiles using data from ground-based and balloon-sonde measurements, Ozone. Proceedings of the XX Quadrennial ozone symposium, Kos, Greece, 2004. Ed. by C.S. Zerefos. Athens, International Ozone Commission, 2004. Vol. 1, pp. 101-102.

Vik, Aasmund Fahre, Harald Willoch and Geir Braathen, Long-path DOAS measurements of ozone and formaldehyde during the FORMAT campaigns, Proc. of XX Quadrennial Ozone Symposium, 1-8 June 2004, Kos, Greece.

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