Blindheim, J., G.O. Braathen (editor), H. Dovland, J.S. Gray, I. Hanssen-Bauer, Ø. Hov, I. Isaksen, J. Mangerud, M. Mork and K. Pedersen, 1990: The greenhouse effect and climate. NILU report OR 21/90, ISBN 82-425-0125-4.
Braathen, G.O. and Ø. Hov, 1988: Instrumentation of the atmospheric chemistry research station at the Zeppelin mountain in Ny-Ålesund. NILU report OR 3/89, ISBN 82-425-0003-7.
Braathen, G.O., H. Dovland and B. Aune, 1989: Preliminary report from NILU and DNMI on the greenhouse effect and the climate.NILU report OR 79/89, ISBN 82-425-0095-9.
Braathen, G.O., Ø. Hov and F. Stordal, 1990: Arctic Atmospheric Research Station on the Zeppelin Mountain (474 m a.s.l.) near Ny-Ålesund on Svalbard (78° 54' 29" N, 11° 52' 53" E). NILU report OR 85/90. ISBN 82-425-0219-6.
Braathen, G.O., F. Stordal, T. Gunstrøm, B. Knudsen, K. Kloster, 1992: EASOE Meteorology Report, 3 Volumes.
Braathen, G.O. and P.H. Sørensen, 1992: EASOE Meteorology data, CD-ROM archive, 2 volumes.
Braathen, G.O. and P.H. Sørensen, 1993: EASOE Experimental data, CD-ROM archive,1 volume
Braathen, G.O., 1996: NADIR News 1/96.
Braathen, G.O., Dahlback, A., Svenøe, T., Bojkov, B. and Hansen, G.H., Monitoring of the ozone layer. Annual report 1997. NILU OR 56/98.
Braathen, G.O., NADIR News 1/98.
Braathen, G.O.(editor), Norwegian Ozone and Climate Research, the first 10 years. Final report from the research programme on climate and ozone issues (1989-1998), NILU OR 29/2000. ISBN: 82-425-1183-7.
Braathen, G.O., 2002, COZUV Third annual report. Coordinated Ozone and UV project. Reporting period: 01.01.1999-15.12.2001. NILU OR 01/2002. ISBN: 82-425-1329-5
Braathen, G.O., 2003, How climate change can influence the recovery of the ozone layer, NILU F55/2003.
Dahlback, A., G.O. Braathen and F. Stordal (1991): Monitoring of the ozone layer. Annual report 1990. NILU OR 57/91. ISBN 82-425-0288-9.
Dahlback, A., G.O. Braathen and F. Stordal (1992): Monitoring of the ozone layer. Annual report 1991. NILU OR 52/92. ISBN 82-425-0391-5.
Dahlback, A., G.O. Braathen, B.A. Kåstad and F. Stordal (1993): Monitoring of the ozone layer. Annual report 1992. NILU OR 25/93. ISBN 82-425-0480-6.
Dahlback, A., G.O. Braathen and F. Stordal (1994): Monitoring of the ozone layer. Annual report 1993. NILU OR 28/94. ISBN 82-425-0577-2.
Dahlback, A., G.O. Braathen and F. Stordal (1995): Monitoring of the ozone layer. Annual report 1994. NILU OR 20/95. ISBN 82-425-0672-8.
Dahlback, A., G.O. Braathen, G.H. Hansen and T. Svenøe (1996): Monitoring of the ozone layer. Annual report 1995. NILU OR 34/96. ISBN 82-425-0781-3.
Dahlback, A., G.O. Braathen, G.H. Hansen and T. Svenøe (1997): Monitoring of the ozone layer. Annual report 1996. NILU OR 29/97. ISBN 82-425-0877-1.
Hermansen, O., Stordal, F., Lunder, C., Schmidbauer, N., Braathen, O.A., Braathen, G.O. og Bjørklid, F. (2001) Monitoring of climate gases at the Zeppelin station. Annual report 2000. NILU OR 44/2001. ISBN: 82-425-1290-6.
Høiskar, B.A.K., Braathen, G.O., Dahlback, A., Bojkov, B.R., Svenøe, T. og Hansen, G.H. (1999) Monitoring of the ozone layer and natural ultraviolet radiation. Annual report 1998. NILU OR 63/99. ISBN: 82-425-1129-2.
Høiskar, Britt Ann K., Geir O. Braathen, Arne Dahlback, Bojan R. Bojkov, Trond Svenøe, Kåre Edvardsen and Georg H. Hansen (2000) Monitoring of the atmospheric ozone layer and natural ultraviolet radiation.Annual report 1999. NILU OR 26/2000. ISBN 82-425-1180-2.
Høiskar, B. A. K., Braathen, G. O., Dahlback, A., Bojkov, B. R., Edvardsen, K., Hansen, G. og Svenøe, T. (2001) Monitoring of the atmospheric ozone layer and natural ultraviolet radiation.Annual report 2000. NILU OR 35/2001.
ISBN: 82-425-1280-9.
Høiskar, B.A.K., Braathen, G.O., Dahlback, A., Edvardsen, K., Hansen, G., Svendby, T., Monitoring of the atmospheric ozone layer and natural ultraviolet radiation.Annual report 2001. NILU OR 35/2002. ISBN: 82-425-1375-9.
Høiskar, B. A., Braathen, G. O., Dahlback, K. E., Hansen, G., Stebel, K., Svendby, T. og Vik, A. F., Monitoring of the atmospheric ozone layer and natural ultraviolet radiation.Annual report 2002. NILU OR 33/2003.
ISBN: 82-425-1459-3.
Krognes, T., Vik, Aa. F., Tørnkvist, K.K., Walker, S.E., Paltiel, R., Bårde, T., Gloslie, B., Larsen, R., Braathen, G.O., Thanh, T.N. (2002) Operation of an Envisat Validation Data Centre. Estec Contract No 14419/00/NL/SF. Final report, NILU OR 54/2002. ISBN: 82-425-1399-6
Kåstad, B.A. and G.O. Braathen, 1993: Specification of an ozone lidar for daylight measurements, NILU OR, 18/93. ISBN 82-425-0472-5.
Stordal, F., G.O. Braathen and A. Dahlback (1992): Monitoring of the Ozone Layer: A Norwegian and Global Perspective. NILU OR 53/92. ISBN 82-425-0392-3.
Stordal, F., G.O. Braathen and A. Dahlback (1993): Monitoring of the Ozone Layer: A Norwegian and Global Perspective. NILU OR 27/93. ISBN 82-425-0483-0.
Vik, A.F, G.O. Braathen, (2003) MAPSCORE database, Presentation in Leiceter, NILU F93/2003.
Vik, A.F, G.O. Braathen, (2003) MAPSCORE database, Presentation in Frascati, NILU F97/2003.
Vik, A.F., Braathen, G.O., Krognes, T. and Harris, N., NADIR News. No. 2/2003, NILU TR 11/2003. ISBN: 82-425-1518-2
Vik, A.F. and Braathen, G.O., UFTIR Kick-off meeting - Nadir database and project website, NILU F88/2003.