Welcome to Dr. Nikolaos Evangeliou's Homepage

You can find me at:

Department of Atmospheric and Climate Research (ATMOS)
PO Box 100, 2027 Kjeller,
Visit: Instituttveien 18, NO-2007 Kjeller

Tel.: (+47) 63 89 81 89
Fax: (+47) 63 89 80 50
E-mail: Nikolaos.Evangeliou@nilu.no
skype: nikos.evangeliou



7 February 2025: In a research article published by Atmospheric Pollution Research, we proposed a methodology for inversion of multi-species emissions for the case of the Chernobyl wildfires in 2020, where the emission consists of multiple particle fractions and multiple altitude levels. More details here.

5 February 2025: We propose deep neural network based prior for source term in atmospheric inversion for the case of the Chernobyl wildfires in 2020. The neural network creates a parametric correlation structure, where the number of parameters is smaller than the number of unknowns. Read our new Journal of Hazardous Material paper here.

15 January 2025: The most sophisticated study on the real emissions from the Nord Stream leaks back in 2022 based on inverse modelling was published by Nature. Find it here.

14 January 2025: Colleagues from the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (HFZ) have analysed nanoplastics in alpine glacial snow using TD-PTR-MS in the frame of a collaboration project between the High Level Route expedition and HFZ. Read the paper here.

6 December 2024: COVID19 restrictions that forced people indoors and the energy crisis in 2022 increased wood burning and residential PM2.5 emissions. More details in our new paper here.

26 November 2024: A new paper about the sources of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Arctic snow was published by Environmental Science & Technology today. Read it here.

2 May 2024: A state-of-the-art paper was published by the Bulletin of the American Meteorologican Society about the ACTRIS European Research Infrastructure program. Find it here.

10 March 2024: Our new study finds deposition fluxes of microplastics at a remote site of New Zealand in the order of 150 items/m2/day arriving mainly from oceanic and terrestrial sources as far as from the Australian coast. Read it here.

29 February 2024: New paper on the composition of carbonaceous aerosol in the Arctic (Zeppelin Obsarvatory) as seem by PMF and dispersion modelling. Read it here.

2 February 2024: Our paper on a rare event of mixed smoke and dust as seen by lidars, models and ground measurements is out. Read it here.

14 December 2023: New paper in ACP shows decreasing NH3 emissions over the recent years based on inverse modelling of satellite observations. Read it here.

10 October 2023: A new leak of CH4 was reported in Balticconnector between Finland and Estonia. Based on the pressure drop reported, we roughly calculate that aroung 8,000 tons were released. Our forecast shows that the plume was transported south east over Ukraine and the Caucasus. See our video on Tweeter here.

9 October 2023: We report that column NH3 will increase by the end of the century, under two different climate scenarios. NH3 is projected to increase by up to 50%, particularly in eastern Europe, under the SSP2-4.5 scenario and might even double under the SSP5-8.5 scenario. More details in our new paper here.

9 September 2023: Our new paper highlighting the importance of residential burning suggests that clearing the haze problem in China's megacities requires substantial reductions in regional residential emissions, besides reducing transportation and industrial emissions. Read it here.

22 June 2023: Our new study on atmospheric microplastics in the North Atlantic was published by Nature Communications. We find concentrations of up to 37.5 ng/m3 mainly polystyrene, polypropylene, polyurethane, polyethylene terephthalate and tyre wear. Read it here.

16 March 2023: We recently examined CO changes during a 3-Y Action Plan in the Fenwei Plain, one of China's most polluted regions. Details here.

9 February 2023: Our new paper in GMD about agricultural NH3 emissions. Read it here.

18 January 2023: Year 2023 started nicely with a paper published by Nature Communications showing discrepancies between observation-based Black Carbon emissions and existing bottom-up inventories. Further details here.

3 October 2022: A paper from the AMAP assessment report showing that reducing methane emissions and Black Carbon particulates, would reduce Arctic warming, improve human health and moderate global Climate Change. Read it here.

20 September 2022: Read our new ACP paper on periodic diamond dust events that satellites misclassify as aerosol in the Arctic. Link is here.

10 May 2022: Our perspectives paper on the need of a global strategy to tackle the problem of microplastic pollution in the atmosphere and the marine environment was published by Nature Reviews Earth & Environment. Read it here.

6 May 2022: We have another paper by ACP. It refers to results from a newly established high Arctic research station. You may find it here.

4 May 2022: Our paper on model evaluation of SLCFs in the frame of the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP) was published by ACP. Read it here.

4 April 2022: My interview in Deusche Welle about the radiological risk from the Ukrainian was published. Link is here.

22 March 2022: Our new paper about an unusual episode of poor air-quality that occurred in October 2020 in Northern Europe was published today. Read it here.

15 March 2022: We have published the first estimate of global emissions for microplastics and microfibers in high statiotemporal resolution. The results are based on inverse modelling of fallout measurements that were collected in Western US national parks in 2017-2018. Check it out here.

14 March 2022: Our paper for the 30th anniversary of establishing the monitoring station at the Zeppelin mountain in Svalbard, up in the high Arctic was just published. Read it here.

16 November 2021: Another paper on improvements in inverse modelling algorithms was published at the end of 2021. Read it here.

29 September 2021: New paper showing the effect of the large circulation patterns for the European Arctic on light absorbing carbon aerosols. Read it here.

15 September 2021: Our paper on Arctic fires in the 21st Century in the frame of the AMAP is out. Read it here.

10 August 2021: My interview in Aftenposten on the wildfires in Greece. Link is here.

11 May 2021: New paper on carbonaceous aerosol measurements at Birkenes. Read it here.

22 April 2021: New study of the effects of COVID-19 lockdown in China. Read it here.

23 March 2021: New paper on global NH3 emissions constrained using IASI satellite that produce more realistic surface concentrations in CTMs. Read it here.

23 February 2021: Our new paper on the COVID-19 impact in the European BC emissions was published. We report 11% lower emissions of BC due to the lockdown measures. Click here.

2 February 2021: A new paper on the Ru106 over Europe in 2017 case was published. Click here.

1 December 2020: A new paper on an inverse modelling algorithm was published. Click here.

28 October 2020: Another interview in Monaco Hebdo was published concerning microplastic transport in remote region. Link is here.

27 October 2020: Our new paper on the origin of South Asian Black Carbon aerosols was published. Check it here.

8 August 2020: Our new study on the origin of carbonaceous aerosols in the Russian High Arctic was published. Check it here.

17 July 2020: Our interview in Dagsavisen about our microplastic trasport study published by Nature Communications. Link is here.

20 July 2020: My interview to Le Monde about our microplastic trasport study published by Nature Communications. Link is here.

20 July 2020: Henrik Grythe talked to NRK about our microplastic trasport study published by Nature Communications. Link is here.

15 July 2020: Forskning Norway about our microplastic trasport study published by Nature Communications. Link is here.

15 July 2020: The Norwegian Teknisk ukeblad about our microplastic trasport study published by Nature Communications. Link is here.

14 July 2020: Mine and Andreas's interview in CNN on our microplastic trasport study published by Nature Communications. Link is here.

14 July 2020: UNIWIEN's press release on our microplastic trasport study published by Nature Communications. Link is here.

14 July 2020: NILU's press release in MyNewDesk in Norwegian on our microplastic trasport study published by Nature Communications. Link is here.

14 July 2020: Our microplastic trasport study published by Nature Communications in the Belgian News. Link is here.

14 July 2020: Our microplastic trasport study published by Nature Communications in the Dutch HLN. Link is here.

14 July 2020: Our microplastic trasport study published by Nature Communications in the Web24 News. Link is here.

14 July 2020: Interview of Andreas Stohl in the Austrian TV about our microplastic trasport study published by Nature Communications. Link is here.

14 July 2020: The media release by Nature on our microplastic trasport study published by Nature Communications in SCIMEX. Link is here.

14 July 2020: Our microplastic trasport study published by Nature Communications in Dailymaverick. Link is here.

14 July 2020: Interview in The Guardian by Andreas Stohl for the microplastic trasport study published by Nature Communications. Link is here.

14 July 2020: Interview in POPTIMES for the microplastic trasport study published by Nature Communications. Link is here.

14 July 2020: Interview in GIZMODO for the microplastic trasport study published by Nature Communications. Link is here.

14 July 2020: Interview in the Wired magazine for the microplastic trasport study published by Nature Communications. Link is here.

14 July 2020: Interview in Chemical and Engineering News for the microplastic trasport study published by Nature Communications. Link is here.

14 July 2020: Interview in AFP News for the microplastic trasport study published by Nature Communications. Link is here.

14 July 2020: Interview in the ZME Science magazine for the Nature Communications paper on atmospheric transport of microplastics. Link is here.

14 July 2020: Our new study, which proves that the atmospheric component of microplastic pollution is as high as the one for riverine transport to the ocean, was just published in Nature Communications. You can read it here.

30 June 2020: Our study about the spring 2020 fires in Chernobyl was published in Nature Scientific Reports. You can read it here.

2 December 2019: Our paper describing the newest version of the FLEXPART model that includes the most recent updates on the deposition scheme was released. You can read it here.

30 May 2019: On the news again participating in a discussion about the possibility of nuclear power to be the answer to climate change published in Aeon magazine. Link is here.

23 May 2019: We are on the Norwegian news again in a debate about the future of forest fires in Europe. Link is here.

14 May 2019: Our study on the committed doses during aviation operations in Japan following the Fukushima accident in 2011 was published in the Journal of Environmental Radioactivity. You can read it here.

13 February 2019: A source apportionment study of Arctic BC was published in Science Adv. Read it here.

1 February 2019: Our study on the 2017 peat fires over Greenland and their consequences on the ice sheet was just published in ACP. Read it here.

16 November 2018: On the news again, interviewed by CICERO about the wildfires in California. Link is here.

29 October 2018: Three more papers were released after summer. Check them out here.

23 August 2018: We participated in the frokostseminar "Det rare været" organized by CICERO. Large media coverage was taken with 142 attendants and more than 500 through live-streaming. The main points of the seminar were also presented in the Norwegian news. Links are found here. Video can be seen here.

14 February 2018: Our new paper about the scavenging a potential origin of an enriched Uranium particle during a reseach campaign in Alaska (Murphy et al., 2018) is in the News!! Check it out here.

7 November 2017: We are participating in the 2nd Intercomparison exercise for the Fukushima accident. We have used FLEXPART-WRF model with meteorological wind fields from the Japanese Meteorologican Agency that were assimilated using observations all over Japan. Their temporal resolution was 1 hour and their spatial 3 km. The evolution of the plume and the deposition of 137Cs is shown below.

17 October 2017: In mid-October 2017 several people in Denmark and Norway reported smell of smoke in the air. We have simulated and confirmed the transport of air-masses from the October 2017 wildfires in Portugal. An animation of the event is shown below:

1 October 2017: We have simulated the emissions, transport and deposition of Black Carbon over the Ice Sheet of Greenland after the peat fires in July and August 2017. Relevant animations are shown below:

Our new paper on an improved source term from the Chernobyl accident back in 1986 has been published. Check it out here!

"La Recherche" magazine interviewed our colleague Dr. Y. Balkanski about our research in the radioactive forests of Chernobyl. Check in out here!

We are in the Norwegian news!!! Check out our interview in Dagbladet.

We are in the news!!! Check out our interview with the New Scientist Magazine here. The interview was given during an invited talk at the EGU General Assembly in Vienna (Austria) for the 5th Anniversary of the Fukushima accident.

Our new publication about Black Carbon in the Russian Arctic can be found here.

Check out our new paper about the impact of biomass burning in Eurasia to the budget of BC in the Arctic environment (Evangeliou et al., 2016).

Check out our new paper about the 2015 fires in the Chernobyl's Exclusion Zone and the impact on European population (Evangeliou et al., 2016).

Check out our new paper about an intercomparison of 19 models for the evaluation of aerosol lifetimes using after Fukushima (Japan) in 2011 (Kristiansen et al., 2016).

Another fascinating video fron Chernobyl
Below, a link to youtube is given for a video on how the area around Chernobyl looks today. The zone known as the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone - CEZ still shows high radioactivity levels and it still remains restricted. Radionuclides of Cs-137, Sr-90, Pu-238, Pu-239, Pu-240 and Am-241 are still present in the surface soils and in the vegetation (see Evangeliou et al., 2015).

Source: youtube

A video "MUST SEE"

29 years after Chernobyl the ghost of radioactivity  still persists around the Chernobyl's Exclusion Zone. Unit 4 exploded on 26th April 1986 after serious mistakes made by the personel. The 3 other reactor units were decommissioned by the end of 2000. However, it is still surprising that despite the extreme contamination the plant continued to operate for 14 years due to the energy needs of the ex-Soviet Union (and then Ukraine).
Below, please watch a video taken from inside the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. The journalist walks behind the walls of the damaged reactor gradually passing through the control rooms of Units 1, 2 and 3.

Source: Huffington Post (26 April 2015)

Towards Safe and Secure Use of Nuclear Energy in Turkey

The layout of the WWER-1200 pressurized water reactor. Four similar units are planned to be built at Akkuyu. (Image: Gidropress)

Nuclear power will play a key role in Turkey's future energy strategy as the country moves toward achieving supply security while also meeting the challenge of limiting emissions that contribute to climate change.
Every year demand for electricity in Turkey's bustling economy is growing by more than five per cent, yet the country depends on imported resources to meet 73 per cent of its current energy needs. Turkey's new nuclear power programme aims to provide at least 10 per cent of the country's energy by 2023, according to Turkey's Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources.
The energy strategy includes two nuclear power plants with a total of eight reactor units to be in operation by 2028, and a third plant to be under construction by 2023, said Emine Birnur Fertekligil, Turkey's Representative to the IAEA. "The peaceful applications of nuclear technology are very important, not only in the energy field but also in other areas of sustainable development."

Taking the required steps
Turkey has turned to the IAEA for advice on and assistance with taking the steps required for developing a safe nuclear energy programme, Fertekligil said. "As it develops its nuclear power programme, Turkey is committed to moving forward in a safe, secure and safeguarded way," she said.
In 2013, an IAEA Integrated Nuclear Infrastructure Review (INIR) provided a team of international experts to help Turkey assess its readiness for developing a nuclear power programme. The mission involved 25 Turkish institutions and provided recommendations and suggestions, and identified several good practices.
"The 2013 INIR mission provided insightful recommendations that Turkey used to develop a national action plan," said Necati Yamaç, Head, Department of Nuclear Energy Project Implementation, Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources. "Amending or drafting new laws requires a huge amount of preparation, and in the case of Turkey, it has taken around two years. The INIR mission sparked discussions between various ministries and helped us identify new approaches and concepts," he said.
INIR missions are designed to help IAEA Member States measure how far they have progressed towards meeting the requirements for a safe and secure nuclear power programme. They review all facets of a nuclear power programme, from the establishment of a regulatory body, and other legal requirements, to the utility operating the power plant, and the relevant Government stakeholders involved.

A look in the mirror
One of the benefits of an INIR mission is an initial self-evaluation the country undertakes before the mission begins.
Self-evaluation is a useful process because it involves interactions and discussions among the organizations involved in infrastructure development, said Anne Starz, Acting Head of the Nuclear Infrastructure Development Section at the IAEA. For Turkey, there were 25 organizations involved, she added.
This process has "helped us realize how big a role the government still plays even in a BOO [build-own-operate] project," said Yamaç. The BOO approach for developing a nuclear power programme means the host country's plant will be owned entirely by the investors who provide both financing and the technology.

The road toward a nuclear power programme
Turkey's path to its first nuclear power plant has four previous plans to introduce nuclear power in its wake. The first was in the late 1970s, when a site at Akkuyu on the eastern Mediterranean coast was licensed, and the last in 2008 when Turkey issued a request  for bids.

(Source: Dr. Z. Demircan/GDEA, TEIAS)

In 2010, Turkey and the Russian Federation signed an agreement for the construction and operation of a nuclear power plant at the Akkuyu site, and three years later, an intergovernmental agreement with Japan was signed to develop a second nuclear power plant project at the Sinop site on the Black Sea.
Most recently, in addition to the INIR mission, Turkey's draft nuclear energy laws have also been reviewed by the IAEA. Turkey's nuclear law addresses safety, security and safeguards. A separate law for civil liability for nuclear damage was submitted to the IAEA for review in August 2014.
As Turkey goes further down the road toward a nuclear power programme, it has sought to learn from other countries. Through organizing several technical visits to other countries that are using nuclear energy, Turkey can gain a better understanding of as well as solutions for challenges faced in the area of nuclear technology, said Yamaç. "Looking at the experience of other countries is a good way for us to learn," he said.

Nuclear power plant
A nuclear power plant generates electricity using heat from a controlled chain of nuclear reactions — a process whereby a single nuclear reaction spurs a series of subsequent nuclear reactions that result in large amounts of energy being released. The reactions occur inside the nuclear reactor, which is a device that is designed to initiate and control a sustained nuclear chain reaction. There are many types of nuclear reactors. Each has different designs and uses different mechanisms, water or gas, to generate power.
The reactor type to be used in Turkey's power plant at the Akkuyu site is a water cooled water moderated power reactor (WWER). This reactor type uses heat produced from the nuclear chain reaction to heat water circulating through a separate compartment inside the reactor. Once heated, the reactor-heated water is pressurized and then pumped through hundreds or thousands of tubes in a steam generator, where the reactor-heated water heats an adjacent compartment containing water. This causes the adjacent water to boil and produce steam. The reactor-heated water returns to its compartment in the reactor to cycle through the process again, while the steam is delivered to steam-powered turbines that drive electrical generators connected to an electric grid designed for electricity distribution. After passing through the turbine, the steam is cooled down and converted back to liquid inside a condenser to be sent through the process again. The electricity produced through this process is known as nuclear power.

From the IAEA website