
New in version 3.00.06.

The program ebas_set_project is used to manage the project associations of datasets.

A dataset can be associated to a project for a certain time interval. Different projects are allowed during the same or different intervals. E.g. a dataset may be assigned to project EMEP and ACTIS in the years 2010 to 2013, and to EMEP_preliminary in for 2014.

The program ebas_set_project is used to modify or delete those associations.


ebas_set_project.py [-h] [--version] [--cfgfile CFGFILE]
                    [--loglevconsole LOGLEVCONSOLE]
                    [--loglevfile LOGLEVFILE] [--logfile LOGFILE]
                    [--profile] [--nodb] [--dbHost DBHOST] [--db DB]
                    [--dbUser DBUSER] [--dbPasswd DBPASSWD]
                    [--transcomment COMMENT] [--nowrite] [--nocommit]
                    [--do_id DO_ID] [--setkey SETKEY]
                    [--station STATION] [--project PROJECT]
                    [--instrument INSTRUMENT] [--component COMPONENT]
                    [--matrix MATRIX] [--group GROUP] [--fi_ref FI_REF]
                    [--me_ref ME_REF] [--resolution RESOLUTION]
                    [--statistics STATISTICS] [--time TIME]
                    {delete,add,change,clean} ...

Commandline arguments

For information about the general concepts for commandline arguments, please refer to Commandline arguments.

General arguments

-h, --help

Show help text and exit.

-v, --version

Display version information and exit.

Configuration arguments


Set the EBAS configuration file to be used. See Configuration file for detailed information.

This argument requires an argument value CFGFILE (the configuration file to be used). CFGFILE is the full path and file name, the file path might be absolute or relative. The current user’s home directory may be specified with a tilde character (~), other user’s home directory may be specified as ~other_user.


There may not be any blank characters in the CFGFILE argument value! If the filename contains blank characters, wrap it into double quotes ("). Example:

--cfgfile="my ebas config.cfg"


Specify a config file named ebas.cfg in the current working directory (relative path):


Specify a config file named ebas.cfg in the directory config under the current working directory (relative path):


Specify a config file named ebas.cfg in the directory /home/me (absolute path):


Specify a config file named ebas.cfg in the current user’s home directory:


Specify a config file named ebas.cfg in user collegue’s home directory:


Default: ~/ebas.cfg

Logging arguments


Set log level for console output.

This argument requires an argument value LOGLEVEL. All messages from EBAS are categorized with logging severities (e.g. error messages are written with a different severity as information messages). Severities are: CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG (descending severity)

Setting the LOGLEVEL controls which category of messages will be displayed to the user. Possible values for LOGLEVEL are:

  • silent - no messages will be displayed in the console output
  • critical - only CRITICAL messages will be displayed in the console output
  • errors - only messages with severity CRITICAL or ERROR will be displayed in the console output
  • warnings - only messages with severity CRITICAL, ERROR or WARNING will be displayed in the console output
  • info - messages with severity CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING or INFO will be displayed in the console output
  • debug - all messages will be displayed in the console output

Default: info


Set log level for logfile output.

This argument requires an argument value LOGLEVEL. All messages from EBAS are categorized with logging severities (e.g. error messages are written with a different severity as information messages). Severities are: CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG (descending severity)

Setting the LOGLEVEL controls which category of messages will be included in the logfile. Possible values for LOGLEVEL are:

  • silent - no messages will be written to the logfile and no logfile will be created
  • critical - only CRITICAL messages will be written to the logfile
  • errors - only messages with severity CRITICAL or ERROR will be written to the logfile
  • warnings - only messages with severity CRITICAL, ERROR or WARNING will be written to the logfile
  • info - messages with severity CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING or INFO will be written to the logfile
  • debug - all messages will be written to the logfile

Default: silent


Set file name for logfile output (including path).

This argument requires an argument value LOGFILE. LOGFILE is the full path and file name, the file path might be absolute or relative. The current user’s home directory may be specified with a tilde character (~), other user’s home directory may be specified as ~other_user.


There may not be any blank characters in the LOGFILE argument value! If the path or file name contains blank characters, wrap it into double quotes ("). Example:

--logfile="ebas logfiles/logfile.log"

Default: filename constructed of program name and start time in the current working directory (e.g. ./ebas_list_ds_2015-12-27_123147.log)

Changed in version V.3.02.00: the previous default file name included colons (:) as time separator, (e.g. ./ebas_list_ds_2015-12-27_12:31:47.log)


Activate program profiling.


This option is for EBAS developers only. Code profiling is an analytical technique used in runtime optimization. Using this option has no benefit for a user (it makes the code slower actually).

Default: False

Database arguments

Database user and password can also be fetched from your .netrc file (recommended authentication method).

See Database Authentication for more information on this. If you want to use netrc authentication, you need to leave the --dbUser and --dbPasswd agruments away!


Do not connect to the database. Most programs will have limited functionality without database connection (e.g. ebas_insert can still perform file syntax checks and limited semantic checks). Some programs will lose all their functionality, but even in those cases, the nodb option might be useful for tests or other arguments validation, or simply to get a –version and –help output when the database is unreachable.

New in version 3.00.07.


Specify the database host name according to the database client configuration file (sql.ini for sybase drivers, freetds.conf for freetds drivers). If this sounds unfamiliar, ask a system administrator. At NILU, we use two database servers for EBAS, ODIN (database server for the test system) and SLEIPNER (operational database server). The respective names to be used for the argument –dbHost on ratatoskr are:


The name of the database to be used. If you don’t know for sure that you want to change this, leave it at the default (ebas_new)


The user name to be used for connecting to the database. See Database Authentication.


The password to be used for connecting to the database. See Database Authentication.


Please do NOT use the --dbPasswd argument!

On multi-user UNIX systems, each users is able to see the command used to start any program on the system.

Therefore, including sensitive information in commands is generally strongly discouraged on UNIX systems.

See Database Authentication for alternatives to using the --dbPasswd argument.


There may not be any blank characters in the DBPASSWD argument value! If the password contains blank characters, wrap it into double quotes ("). Example:

--dbPasswd="with blank"

A comment text for the action performed. This comment is archived in database connected to the changes. This comment should be used for documenting the changes and can be very useful for future reference.

Optional, Default: None


in order to write a comment with blank characters, the commet text needs to be quoted with double quotes ("). Example:

--transcomment="deleted obsolete data because of update submission"

versionadded:: 3.03.00


This prevents that the changes are written to the database. Used for tests runs, if you want to check if the operation would succeed, but you don’t want the operation to be actually performed.


This prevents that the changes in the database are committed. In contrast to nowrite, the changes are written to the database, but then rolled back, so that no permanent changes to the database occur. This option is mainly for debugging purpose, for testing the actual database operations but without changing the database.

Commandline arguments for dataset selection criteria

Dataset selection criteria are used to define a set of datasets to be managed by ebas_set_project.


Selection by download id (set of datasets to be downloaded. Normally specified by EBAS Web when using ebas_extract as a back-end for the web download.

Optional, Default: None

-k, --setkey=SETKEY

Selection by dataset setkey.

This argument requires an argument value SETKEY. SETKEY can be a single setkey, a range of stekeys (SETKEY1-SETKEY2), or a list of setkeys (SETKEY1,SETKEY2,…).


Make sure there are no blank characters in the argument value (not even after the commas or around the hyphens)!

Otherwise, the argument parser assumes that the next argument starts after a blank character and an error will occur.

Optional, Default: None

-s, --station=STATION_CODE

Selection by station code.

This argument requires an argument value STATION_CODE. STATION_CODE can be a single station code or a list of station codes (STATION_CODE1,STATION_CODE2,…). In addition, each station code can be specified exactly (full station code, e.g. NO0002R), partly without station type (e.g. NO0002) or partly with only the country code part (e.g. NO, which matches all Norwegian stations).


Make sure there are no blank characters in the argument value (not even after the commas)!

Otherwise, the argument parser assumes that the next argument starts after a blank character and an error will occur.


Select all datasets from the station which station codes is NO0001R:

--station NO0001R

Same, but you can’t remember the station type of the station:

--station NO0001

Select all datasets from stations which station codes are in NO0001R, NO0002R and NO0042G:

--station NO0001R,NO0002R,NO0042G

Same, but you can’t remember the station types of those 3 stations:

--station NO0001,NO0002,NO0042

Select all datasets from Norwegian and Austrian stations:

--station NO,AT

Optional, Default: None

-p, --project=PROJECT

Selection by project acronym.

This argument requires an argument value PROJECT. PROJECT can be a single project acronym or a list of project acronyms (PROJECT1,PROJECT2,…).


Make sure there are no blank characters in the argument value (not even after the commas)!

Otherwise, the argument parser assumes that the next argument starts after a blank character and an error will occur.

Optional, Default: None

-i, --instrument=INSTRUMENT

Selection by instrument type.

This argument requires an argument value INSTRUMENT. INSTRUMENT can be a single instrument type or a list of instrument types (INSTRUMENT1,INSTRUMENT2,…).


Make sure there are no blank characters in the argument value (not even after the commas)!

Otherwise, the argument parser assumes that the next argument starts after a blank character and an error will occur.

Optional, Default: None

-c, --component=COMPONENT

Selection by component name.

New in version 3.01.00: Strict synonyms can be used instead of component names. Lookup names, as a special case of strict synonyms, may be used case insensitively, but only if there are not conflicts with other component names and synonyms. E.g.:

  • --component mg will find the componnet name magnesium
  • --component co will throw an error message (may be the synonym Co for component cobalt or synonym CO for component carbon_monoxide)
  • --component Co and --component CO will still work as expected.

This argument requires an argument value COMPONET. COMPONENT can be a single component name or a list of component names (COMPONENT1,COMPONENT2,…).


Make sure there are no blank characters in the argument value (not even after the commas)!

Otherwise, the argument parser assumes that the next argument starts after a blank character and an error will occur.

Optional, Default: None

-m, --matrix=MATRIX

Selection by matrix name.

This argument requires an argument value MATRIX. MATRIX can be a single matrix name or a list of matrix names (MATRIX1,MATRIX2,…).


Make sure there are no blank characters in the argument value (not even after the commas)!

Otherwise, the argument parser assumes that the next argument starts after a blank character and an error will occur.

Optional, Default: None

-g, --group=GROUP

Selection by parameter group.

This argument requires an argument value GROUP. GROUP can be a single parameter group or a list of parameter groups (GROUP1,GROUP2,…).


Make sure there are no blank characters in the argument value (not even after the commas)!

Otherwise, the argument parser assumes that the next argument starts after a blank character and an error will occur.

Optional, Default: None


Selection by instrument reference.

This argument requires an argument value FI_REF. FI_REF can be a single instrument reference or a list of instrument references (FI_REF1,FI_REF2,…).


Make sure there are no blank characters in the argument value (not even after the commas)!

Otherwise, the argument parser assumes that the next argument starts after a blank character and an error will occur.

Optional, Default: None


Selection by method reference.

This argument requires an argument value ME_REF. ME_REF can be a single method reference or a list of method references (ME_REF1,ME_REF2,…).


Make sure there are no blank characters in the argument value (not even after the commas)!

Otherwise, the argument parser assumes that the next argument starts after a blank character and an error will occur.

Optional, Default: None


Selection by resolution code.

This argument requires an argument value RESOLUTION. RESOLUTION can be a single resolution code or a list of resolution codes (RESOLUTION1,RESOLUTION2,…).


Make sure there are no blank characters in the argument value (not even after the commas)!

Otherwise, the argument parser assumes that the next argument starts after a blank character and an error will occur.

Optional, Default: None


Selection by statistics code.

This argument requires an argument value STATISTICS. STATISTICS can be a single statistics code or a list of statistics codes (STATISTICS1,STATISTICS2,…).


Make sure there are no blank characters in the argument value (not even after the commas)!

Otherwise, the argument parser assumes that the next argument starts after a blank character and an error will occur.

Optional, Default: None


Selection by data level.

This argument requires an argument value DATALEVEL. DATALEVEL can only be a single data level.

Optional, Default: None

New in version 3.00.08.

Time interval criteria

-t, --time=TIME

Specifies the time interval the program should operate on.

This argument requires an argument value TIME. TIME has the format FROM[-TO]. FROM and TO each has the format YYYY[-MM[-DD[THH[:MM[:SS]]]]].

If only one time is specified, the period which is defined by the precision of the time format will be chosen:

2012-01 –> [2011-01-01T00:00:00,2011-02-01T00:00:00[ (i.e. the period January 2011).

2011-11-23T11 –> [11:00, 12:00[ on 23 Nov.

If both FROM and TO are given, the interval is defined by the start of the FROM period and the end of the TO period:

2011-01-2012-01-22 –> [2011-01-01T00:00:00, 2012-01-23T00:00:00[

The time criteria works by overlapping the given criteria with the measurement sample sequence.

When time is specified as YYYY or YYYY-MM, a slightly different approach is used: sample sequences that overlap only partly with the first or last sample in the sequence are not included. This is to prevent non-intuitive overlaps when one e.g. 07:00-07:00 sample overlaps from the last month or year of data

With other words: when specifying only YYYY or YYYY-MM, a hit is only considered, if at least one _full_ sample is within the respective year or month.


Make sure there are no blank characters in the argument value (not even around the hyphens when specifying FROM and TO times)!

Otherwise, the argument parser assumes that the next argument starts after a blank character and an error will occur.


The --time argument is a special case for ebas_set_project. It is used to select the set of datasets to work on as in all other EBAS Commandline programs. Additionally it is used to specify the interval of the action to be performed (e.g. the interval for adding a project associaoin or deleting one).

ebas_set_project does not always use exactly the specified time interval for adding or deleting project associations. Instead it adopts the interval slightly according to data coverage and the data submission intervals of each dataset.

The rules are as follows:

  • Only intervals with data coverage are used
  • The start time of an association interval will always be changed to the specific sample start time of the first overlapping sample.
  • The end time of an association interval will always be changed to the specific sample end time of the last overlapping sample.
  • The first and last sample in a submission are only included if
    • it is fully within the time interval or
    • it is not the only only sample in the submission which is included

This way, EBAS makes sure that each measurement sample is either associated to a project or not (no partly overlaps). Addittionally, by considering the data submissions when changing associations, fragmentation on export will be avoided (files with only one sample, because it’s associated to a different project),

Changed in version The time interval is modified for each individual association. Sample times and data submission intervals are taken into account.

Arguments specific to ebas_set_projects


Starts the program in non-interactive mode. See User Interaction for more information on the default interactive mode. If the –non-interactive option is given and the threshold for confirmation is reached, the program will automatically cancel the operation instead of entering user interaction. This option is handy for usage in scripts, but the caller needs to make sure to only change limited datasets.

Default: False (i.e. interactive behaviour)

The arguments delete, add, change and clean are implemented as subcommands. That means those arguments are mutually exclusive and some of them require additional arguments.

It is important to understand the nature of subcommands. Unlike other arguments, the order of arguments is important when using subcommands. After specifying a subcommand name, only sub-arguments for this subcommand are valid. All other arguments must be specified before the subcommand.


Removes project associations from the set of datasets. This argument requires an argument value PROJ_DELETE (the project associations to be removed). This can be either a single project acronym, or a comma separated list of project acronyms.


Make sure there are no blank characters in the argument value (not even after the commas)!

Otherwise, the argument parser assumes that the next argument starts after a blank character and an error will occur.


$ ebas_set_project --setkey 123 delete EMEP
$ ebas_set_project --setkey 123 delete EMEP,ACTRIS

Adds project associations to the set of datasets.

This option requires an argument value PROJ_ADD (the project associations to set). This can be either a single project acronym, or a comma separated list of project acronyms.


Make sure there are no blank characters in the argument value (not even after the commas)!

Otherwise, the argument parser assumes that the next argument starts after a blank character and an error will occur.


$ ebas_set_project --setkey 123 add EMEP
$ ebas_set_project --setkey 123 add EMEP,ACTRIS

Changes a specific project association to another one. Only intervals that were associated to the specific project before will be changed to the new project association.

This option requires an argument value PROJ_CHANGE (the project acronyms to be changed and the respective new project acronyms).

A single project assoziation change is specified by a pair of project associations separated by a colon (:) in the form: OLD_ProjectAcronym:NEW_ProjectAcronym. Multiple changes can be sepatated by comma.


Make sure there are no blank characters in the argument value (not even after the commas or around the colons)!

Otherwise, the argument parser assumes that the next argument starts after a blank character and an error will occur.


$ ebas_set_project --project EMEP_preliminary --time 2012 change EBAS_preliminary:EMEP

In the example, all EMEP_preliminary data from 2012 will be changed to EMEP, and thus released to public availibility.

You may specify multiple changes at once, in this case the single changes are separated by commas.


$ ebas_set_project --project NILU --time 2013 change EBAS_preliminary:EMEP,NILU_preliminary:NILU

In the example, all NILU_preliminary data from 2012 will be changed to NILU, and thus released to public availibility. At the same time will those datasets which are additionally related to EMEP_preliminary in 2013 be changed to EMEP.


Clean project associations (delete association intervals without data)

User interaction

New in version 3.00.06.

As a safety feature, an interactive user confirmation is needed, when a larger amount of datasets is about to be affected. The actual threshold for confirmation is:

  • data from more then one station
  • data from more then one instrument
  • any NRT data affected

The user can then confirm the operation, cancel the operation or get additional information before deciding.

The user interaction mode may be turned off by specifying the option --non-interactive.


Each interactive dialog works in the same way:

  • Each dialog is started with question, followed by several options to chose from - one option per line.
  • Then the program waits for user input (selecting one of the options).
  • The user selects one option by starting to type (part) of the option as it was written in the list of options. All possible options differ already in the first character, so the user can always use a one character selection. Its also possible to type the whole option text (although not very useful).
  • The user selection needs to be confirmed with pressing the return key.

Basic confirmation dialog

The interaction process starts with one or more warnings about the reason for confirmation:

WARNING : You're about to change data from 2 stations: AM0001R, AT0005R
WARNING : You're about to change data from 9 instruments: AM01L_A_NaI_impregnated_02, AM01L_A_Teflonfilter_02, AM01L_A_Whatman_Teflon_filters_02, AM01L_A_Whatmanfilter_02, AM01L_uv_abs_02, AT03L_chemilum_5, AT03L_hvs_05, AT03L_uv_abs_05, AT03L_uv_fluoresc_05

The basic confirmation dialog looks as follows:

Please read the 2 lines of warning above. Are you sure you want to change?
 Yes, I am sure. Please go ahead!
 No, actually I am not so sure. Please get me out here!
 I am hesitant. Please give me more information!

For confirmation, the user may reply by typing “y” (or “Y” or “Ye”, …, “Yes I am sure. Please go ahead!).

The option “No”… would just cancel the operation and terminate the program.

The third option enters a separate information dialog for getting more information which data would be affected by the operation.

Information dialog

Information dialog enables the user get more information about the data which would be changed by the current operation. Based on this the user can go back one step and make a final decision.

The information dialog offers different options:

Please make your choice:
 Overview of different metadata
 List of all dataset metadata
 Verbose information on all datasets
 Super-verbose information on all datasets
 Exit dataset information

Overview of different metadata

The overview info output summarizes different metadata values and the number of their occurrence. Example for the overview output:

Station Codes:         AM0001R (14), AT0005R (4)
Matrixes:              air (8), aerosol (7), air+aerosol (2), pm10 (1)
Components:            sulphur_dioxide (2), ozone (2), nitrogen_dioxide (2), pm10_mass (1), sodium (1), nitric_acid (1), sum_ammonia_and_ammonium (1), potassium (1), ammonium (1), sum_nitric_acid_and_nitrate (1), magnesium (1), nitrate (1), sulphate_total (1), chloride (1), ammonia (1)
Instrument types:      filter_3pack (12), uv_abs (2), glass_sinter (1), high_vol_sampler (1), chemiluminescence_photometer (1), uv_fluoresc (1)
Instrument references: AM01L_A_Teflonfilter_02 (8), AM01L_A_Whatmanfilter_02 (3), AT03L_uv_fluoresc_05 (1), AT03L_hvs_05 (1), AT03L_chemilum_5 (1), AM01L_A_Whatman_Teflon_filters_02 (1), AM01L_uv_abs_02 (1), AT03L_uv_abs_05 (1), AM01L_A_NaI_impregnated_02 (1)
Method references:     AM01L_IC (6), AM01L_ICP_MS (3), AM01L_spectrometric_Nessler (2), AT03L_uv_fluoresc (1), AM01L_spectrometric_Griess (1), AT03L_chemilum (1), AT03L_gravimetric (1), AT03L_ozone1a (1), AM01L_spectrophotometric_Nessler (1), AM01L_uv_abs (1)
Resolution codes:      1d (15), 1h (3)
Projects:              EMEP,EMEP_preliminary (14), EMEP_preliminary (4)

In the above example, one can see that 14 datasets from the station AM0001R and 4 datasets from the station AT0005R are about to be changed. 8 of the datasets are in matrix air, 7 datasets in matrix aerosol, and so on.

List of all dataset metadata

This information output creates a list of datasets that are affected by the current operation. The list includes the most important dataset metadata and display one dataset per line.

The output is the same as it would be created by the program ebas_list_ds.


160080548 AM0001R filter_3pack                    chloride                       aerosol         AM01L_A_Teflonfilter_02             AM01L_IC                           1d   2009-01-01T03:00:00  2012-01-01T03:00:00 EMEP,EMEP_preliminary
160080550 AM0001R filter_3pack                    nitrate                        aerosol         AM01L_A_Teflonfilter_02             AM01L_IC                           1d   2009-01-01T03:00:00  2012-01-01T03:00:00 EMEP,EMEP_preliminary
165082976 AM0001R filter_3pack                    sulphate_total                 aerosol         AM01L_A_Teflonfilter_02             AM01L_IC                           1d   2009-01-01T03:00:00  2012-01-01T03:00:00 EMEP,EMEP_preliminary
165091686 AM0001R filter_3pack                    sum_nitric_acid_and_nitrate    air+aerosol     AM01L_A_Teflonfilter_02             AM01L_IC                           1d   2009-01-01T03:00:00  2012-01-01T03:00:00 EMEP,EMEP_preliminary
160080549 AM0001R filter_3pack                    magnesium                      aerosol         AM01L_A_Teflonfilter_02             AM01L_ICP_MS                       1d   2009-01-01T03:00:00  2012-01-01T03:00:00 EMEP,EMEP_preliminary
160080552 AM0001R filter_3pack                    potassium                      aerosol         AM01L_A_Teflonfilter_02             AM01L_ICP_MS                       1d   2009-01-01T03:00:00  2012-01-01T03:00:00 EMEP,EMEP_preliminary
160080553 AM0001R filter_3pack                    sodium                         aerosol         AM01L_A_Teflonfilter_02             AM01L_ICP_MS                       1d   2009-01-01T03:00:00  2012-01-01T03:00:00 EMEP,EMEP_preliminary
180098103 AM0001R filter_3pack                    ammonium                       aerosol         AM01L_A_Teflonfilter_02             AM01L_spectrometric_Nessler        1d   2011-01-01T03:00:00  2012-01-01T03:00:00 EMEP_preliminary
180098116 AM0001R filter_3pack                    sum_ammonia_and_ammonium       air+aerosol     AM01L_A_Whatman_Teflon_filters_02   AM01L_spectrophotometric_Nessler   1d   2011-01-01T03:00:00  2012-01-01T03:00:00 EMEP_preliminary
160080551 AM0001R filter_3pack                    nitric_acid                    air             AM01L_A_Whatmanfilter_02            AM01L_IC                           1d   2009-01-01T03:00:00  2012-01-01T03:00:00 EMEP,EMEP_preliminary
160080554 AM0001R filter_3pack                    sulphur_dioxide                air             AM01L_A_Whatmanfilter_02            AM01L_IC                           1d   2009-01-01T03:00:00  2012-01-01T03:00:00 EMEP,EMEP_preliminary
180098111 AM0001R filter_3pack                    ammonia                        air             AM01L_A_Whatmanfilter_02            AM01L_spectrometric_Nessler        1d   2011-01-01T03:00:00  2012-01-01T03:00:00 EMEP_preliminary
180098113 AM0001R glass_sinter                    nitrogen_dioxide               air             AM01L_A_NaI_impregnated_02          AM01L_spectrometric_Griess         1d   2011-01-01T03:00:00  2012-01-01T03:00:00 EMEP_preliminary
145076879 AM0001R uv_abs                          ozone                          air             AM01L_uv_abs_02                     AM01L_uv_abs                       1h   2008-12-31T20:00:00  2011-12-31T20:00:00 EMEP,EMEP_preliminary
 10024190 AT0005R chemiluminescence_photometer    nitrogen_dioxide               air             AT03L_chemilum_5                    AT03L_chemilum                     1d   1999-01-01T00:00:00  2011-01-01T00:00:00 EMEP,EMEP_preliminary
165080763 AT0005R high_vol_sampler                pm10_mass                      pm10            AT03L_hvs_05                        AT03L_gravimetric                  1d   2009-01-01T00:00:00  2011-01-01T00:00:00 EMEP,EMEP_preliminary
 10030811 AT0005R uv_abs                          ozone                          air             AT03L_uv_abs_05                     AT03L_ozone1a                      1h   1995-01-01T00:00:00  2011-01-01T00:00:00 EMEP,EMEP_preliminary
 20031402 AT0005R uv_fluoresc                     sulphur_dioxide                air             AT03L_uv_fluoresc_05                AT03L_uv_fluoresc                  1h   1991-01-01T00:00:00  2011-01-01T00:00:00 EMEP,EMEP_preliminary

Verbose information on all datasets

The verbose information output shows detailed metadata information on each dataset which would be affected by the operation. This output format uses several lines per dataset, but uses indented blocks to visualize the metadata information per dataset.

The output is the same as it would be created by the program ebas_list_ds with the option --verbose.


Dataset ID:  160080548
  Station code: AM0001R   Station name: Amberd
  Instrument type: filter_3pack
  Component name: chloride
  Matrix: aerosol
  Instrument reference: AM01L_A_Teflonfilter_02
  Method reference: AM01L_IC
  Resolution code: 1d
  Additional Metadata:
  Time dependent Metadata:
  Data coverage over Time:
    2009-01-01T03:00:00  2012-01-01T03:00:00
  Project associations over Time:
    2009-01-01T03:00:00  2011-01-01T03:00:00  EMEP
    2011-01-01T03:00:00  2012-01-01T03:00:00  EMEP_preliminary
Dataset ID:  160080550
  Station code: AM0001R   Station name: Amberd
  Instrument type: filter_3pack
  Component name: nitrate
  Matrix: aerosol
  Instrument reference: AM01L_A_Teflonfilter_02
  Method reference: AM01L_IC
  Resolution code: 1d
  Additional Metadata:
  Time dependent Metadata:
  Data coverage over Time:
    2009-01-01T03:00:00  2012-01-01T03:00:00
  Project associations over Time:
    2009-01-01T03:00:00  2011-01-01T03:00:00  EMEP
    2011-01-01T03:00:00  2012-01-01T03:00:00  EMEP_preliminary

Super-verbose information on all datasets

The super verbose information display displays even more details. It does not summarize data coverage intervals and intervals for time dependent metadata, but shows each interval stored in the database. Additionally, it displays valid time (history information about when certain data have been inserted into or deleted from the database).

The output is the same as it would be created by the program ebas_list_ds with the option --vverbose.


Dataset ID:  160080548
  Station code: AM0001R   Station name: Amberd
  Instrument type: filter_3pack
  Component name: chloride
  Matrix: aerosol
  Instrument reference: AM01L_A_Teflonfilter_02
  Method reference: AM01L_IC
  Resolution code: 1d
  Additional Metadata:
  Time dependent Metadata:
  Data coverage over Time:
    2009-01-01T03:00:00  2010-01-01T03:00:00 (inserted: 2012-08-20T10:19:05)
    2010-01-01T03:00:00  2011-01-01T03:00:00 (inserted: 2012-08-20T10:19:05)
    2011-01-01T03:00:00  2012-01-01T03:00:00 (inserted: 2012-09-03T04:09:20)
  Project associations over Time:
    2009-01-01T03:00:00  2011-01-01T03:00:00  EMEP (inserted: 2012-08-20T10:19:05)
    2011-01-01T03:00:00  2012-01-01T03:00:00  EMEP_preliminary (inserted: 2012-08-20T10:19:05)
Dataset ID:  160080550
  Station code: AM0001R   Station name: Amberd
  Instrument type: filter_3pack
  Component name: nitrate
  Matrix: aerosol
  Instrument reference: AM01L_A_Teflonfilter_02
  Method reference: AM01L_IC
  Resolution code: 1d
  Additional Metadata:
  Time dependent Metadata:
  Data coverage over Time:
    2009-01-01T03:00:00  2010-01-01T03:00:00 (inserted: 2012-08-20T10:19:07)
    2010-01-01T03:00:00  2011-01-01T03:00:00 (inserted: 2012-08-20T10:19:07)
    2011-01-01T03:00:00  2012-01-01T03:00:00 (inserted: 2012-09-03T04:09:22)
  Project associations over Time:
    2009-01-01T03:00:00  2011-01-01T03:00:00  EMEP (inserted: 2012-08-20T10:19:07)
    2011-01-01T03:00:00  2012-01-01T03:00:00  EMEP_preliminary (inserted: 2012-08-20T10:19:07)

Exit dataset information

This option brings the user out of the dataset information dialog and back to the basic confirmation dialog.