EBAS 3.00.08 Release Notes

Author:PE/ATMOS <pe@nilu.no>

Special Note

Release 3.00.08 is an untypical release. After V.3.00.07, a major V.3.01.00 was planned and development started as a new branch. However 3.01.00 was stuffed with too many new features and development progressed only very slow. Over time, many minor change requests were demanded urgently and development split into a post 3.00.07 agile branch where development cycles were very short and changes pushed into production without tagging and documenting a proper release.

At the end of this phase, before releasing V.3.01.00, this agile changes are retrospectively collected into a formal release with proper documentation.


  • All ebas commandline programs: new selection criteria. --diff

    Especially useful for differential extract, but the functionality is available in all commandline programs.

  • All ebas commandline programs: new selection criteria --datalevel

    Issue Description: EWB-461
    Fix: svn r1472
  • ebas_insert: added option --skip-variables

    Issue Description: EWB-451
    Fix: svn r1441
  • ebas_insert: Check for all-missing, all-equal values for a variable are now ERROR instead of WARNING

    Issue Description: EWB-452
    Fix: svn r1442 (bugfixes r1444, r1445)
  • ebas_insert: added identical-values to ebas_insert --ignore=identical-values

    Issue Description: EWB-452
    Fix: svn r1442 (bugfixes r1444, r1445)
  • ebas_insert: added possibility to automatically ignore identical-values for certain metadata combinations

    Issue Description: EWB-469
    Fix: svn r1535

    currently defined (but may be extended anytime):

    • instrument type optical_particle_size_spectrometer, component

      particle_number_size_distribution and particle size bin > 400 nm

      values may all be 0.00 (no big particles measured)

    • instrument type TEOM and component temperature

      values may be constant

    • data level 0, instrument types dmps and smps

      • component status, temperature, flow_rate or


        values may be constant

      • component particle_number_concentration and size bin number > 25

        values may all be 0.0 (no big particles measured)

  • ebas_insert: Conversion on import now adds a comment to the metadata

    Issue Description: EWB-454
    Fix: svn r1452
  • ebas_insert / ebas_extract: Additional components which are converted on import and export:

    • add conversion for component ethanal

      Issue Description: EWB-453
      Fix: svn r1453
    • add conversion for component temperature matrix met from K to C (import only)

      Issue Description: EWB-465
      Fix: svn r1557
    • add conversion for component SO2 matrix air from nmol/mol to ug S/m3

      Issue Description: EWB-466
      Fix: svn r1551
    • conversion for component ozone: standard temperature changed from 273.15 K to 293.15 K

      Issue Description: EWB-449
      Fix: svn r1450
  • ebas_insert: added range check for Volume std. temperature and Volume std. pressure

    Issue Description: EWB-467
    Fix: svn r1517
  • ebas_insert: Value/flag consistency: new exceptions for auxiliary datasets

    Issue Description: EWB-411
    Fix: svn r1446
  • ebas_insert: all file checks can now make exceptions based on the data level. Needed for level 0 file checks - especially in ebas-submit-tool. We can now, based on data level:

    • accept additional, non standard values for all master data (special parameters only allowed in certain data levels, additional component characteristics, etc.) E.g. component NO_#counts (NOxy level 0 template) or equivalent_black_carbon_loading (filter_absorption_photometer level 0 template)
    • accept additional, non standard metadata elements only allowed in certain data levels. E.g. metadata element Duration of stay in converter or bypass line which is only allowed in the NOxy level 0 template

    Those are exceptions for checking files which are not meant to be stored in the database. The exceptions are only used for the file check routines. Those data can still not be actually stored in the database unless the exceptions are properly implemented in the database.

    Issue Description: EWB-479
    Fix: svn r1563
  • ebas_insert: NasaAmes1001: convert no break space automatically to normal blank in all file read operations

    Issue Description: EWB-444
    Fix: svn r1402
  • ebas_insert: prevent that the same instrument is used at the same time at different stations

    Issue Description: EWB-458
    Fix: svn r1466
    Backported to V.3.00.07, svn r1469


  • All ebas commandline programs: time criteria with additional HVM and HDP critera: false positives when HVM and HDP time intervals do not overlap.

    Issue Description: EWB-392
    Fix: svn r1181
  • ebas_insert: bug when inserting NRT data before existing data in the data coverage with the same HFI or HVM metadata: HFI and HVM intervals are duplicated (and not aggregated as expected). When exporting those data, multiple export files are generated for the interval fragments.

    Issue Description: EWB-393
    Fix: svn r1172
  • ebas_insert: check metadata: length check missing for some string metadata

    Issue Description: EWB-306
    Fix: svn r1317
  • ebas_insert: check laboratory code

    Issue Description: EWB-326
    Issue Description: EWB-419
    Fix: svn r1273
  • ebas_insert: detection limit and uncertainty in scientific notation does not work

    Issue Description: EWB-425
    Fix: svn r1348, r1349
  • ebas_insert: some PS (DO and DS) generated twice

    Issue Description: EWB-432
    Fix: svn r1440
  • ebas_insert: finds non-exact matching DS, but does not list them

    Issue Description: EWB-439
    Fix: svn r1386
  • ebas_insert: Erroneus boundary check (Missing values are wrongly rejected as below lower bound)

    Issue Description: EWB-442
    Fix: svn r1438
  • ebas_insert: crash when reading file without data lines

    Issue Description: EWB-462
    Fix: svn r1476, r1481
  • ebas_insert: crash when a newline is found inside a quoted string

    Issue Description: EWB-415
    Fix: svn r1449
  • ebas_insert: check sample times not in the future

    Issue Description: EWB-468
    Fix: svn r1518
  • ebas_insert: crash when meta data Method ref is missing

    Issue Description: EWB-339
    Fix: svn r1274
    Backported to V.3.00.07, svn r1275
  • ebas_insert: file read: flags are rounded in some cases

    Issue Description: EWB-416
    Fix: svn r1264, r1323
    Backported to V.3.00.07, svn r1265, r1324
  • ebas_insert: unit conversion crashes

    Issue Description: EWB-397
    Issue Description: EWB-413
    Fix: svn r1241
    Backported to V.3.00.07, svn r1242
  • ebas_insert: crash when using 2 different instrument types for the same instrument ref

    Issue Description: EWB-414
    Fix: svn r1246
    Backported to V.3.00.07, svn r1247
  • ebas_extract: extracting NRT data: revision date sometimes older than data

    Issue Description: EWB-394
    Fix: svn r1174, r1177
  • ebas_extract: crashes on instrument names containing / (slash)

    Issue Description: EWB-320
    Fix: svn r1447
  • ebas_extract: flag error when extracting multicolumn

    Issue Description: EWB-440
    Fix: svn r1406
  • ebas_extract: crash when converting units on export

    Issue Description: EWB-418
    Fix: svn r1270, r1281
    Backported to V.3.00.07, svn r1271, r1282
  • ebas_extract: unit convert: problems with historic data (too little precision)

    Issue Description: EWB-455
    Fix: svn r1451
  • ebas_delete: crash when deleting a whole interval including project associations

    Issue Description: EWB-441
    Fix: svn r1392
  • ebas_delete: full delete of NRT datasets crashes

    Issue Description: EWB-487
    Fix: svn r1602, r1603

    not completely fixed (workaround for now, final fix is postponed)

  • ebas.io: problems when reading ebas nas files with user libraries (ebas-io)

    Issue Description: EWB-396
    Fix: svn r1279

Backported from future releases

  • ebas_extract: Format XML: gml:id is sometimes not unique

    Issue Description: EWB-285
    Backported from V.3.01.01, svn r1986, r1988
    Backport: svn r1987, r1989