EBAS 3.01 Release Notes

Author:PE/ATMOS <pe@nilu.no>

Special Note

V.3.01 introduces a number of big features requiring fundamental additions and changes in the data model and thus changes throughout all software layers.



  • ebas_extract: crash when exporting QA metadata

    Fix: svn r1969 (V.3.01.01)
    Backport: svn r1968 (V.3.01.00)
  • All ebas commandline programs: reading QA metadata did not work, no QA read

    Fix: svn r1970 (V.3.01.01)
    Backport: svn r1971 (V.3.01.00)
  • ebas_insert: Analytical measurement technique and analytical instrument name without manufacturer and model crashed

    Fix: svn r1972 (V.3.01.01)
    Backport: svn r1973 (V.3.01.00)
  • ebas_insert: problems with empty QA’s (especially where setting QA elements to empty for a variable)

    Fix: svn r1974 (V.3.01.01)
    Backport: svn r1975 (V.3.01.00)
  • ebas_insert: fake component name in main header: calibration scale check and sensor type check fails

    Issue Description: EWB-445
    Fix: svn r1976 (V.3.01.01)
    Backport: svn r1977 (V.3.01.00)
  • ebas_extract: Format XML: gml:id is sometimes not unique

    Issue Description: EWB-285
    Fix: svn r1986, r1988 (V.3.01.01)
    Backported to V.3.00.08, svn r1987, r1989
  • ebas_insert: crash in check_data when all values BDL and no DL set in metadata

    Fix: svn r1978 (V.3.01.01)
    Backport: svn r1980 (V.3.01.00)
  • ebas_extract: extra export interval when HAI changes mid-sample

    Fix: svn r1992 (V.3.01.01)
  • ebas_extract: crash when writing lev0 files: metadata attribute was missing in I/O object

    Fix: svn r2016 (V.3.01.02)
    Backport: svn r2017 (V.3.01.01)
  • ebas_insert: crash when using unknown standard method

    Fix: svn r2020 (V.3.01.02)
    Backport: svn r2021 (V.3.01.01)
  • ebas.io: Create Nasa Ames files - Volume std. pressure and temperature: accept other number types as float (crashed elsewise in nasa ames print header, which expected a string as metadata value)

    Fix: svn r2025 (V.3.01.02)
  • ebas.io: ORCID syntax: last digit is a checksum and may be 0-9 or X -> allow X in the last digit -> check checksum

    Fix: svn r2026 (V.3.01.02)
  • ebas_insert: crash in check_interdep when detection limit is specified per variable but invalid

    Fix: svn r2034 (V.3.01.02)
  • ebas_insert: Intervals of different measure ID’s could not overlap.

    Fix: svn r2039 (V.3.01.02)

Backported from future releases