What is the difference between the FLEXPART domain and the FLEXINVERT domain?

FLEXINVERT optimizes the surface fluxes over a limited domain, which is defined in control.def. The domain in FLEXINVERT is independent of the domain in FLEXPART. It is recommended that the FLEXPART output is global, especially if using the option to calculate the background concentration in FLEXINVERT using the grid_initial files (this is controlled by the variable calcbg in control.def).

How do I change the nested domain?

The nested domain is changed by editting the variables lly, ury, llx, urx in control.def where lly and ury define the latitude of the lowermost and uppermost grid cells of the nested domain, respectively and llx and urx define the western and eastern most grid cells of the nested domain, respectively. Note that the latitude of the southern boundary and the longitude of the western boundary of the grid cells are required.

Why does FLEXINVERT crash in readheader.f90?

Most likely because the version of FLEXPART used is different to the default version in FLEXINVERT. Check the exact format of the header file written in FLEXPART by writeheader.f90 and modify readheader.f90 in FLEXINVERT accordingly.

Why does FLEXINVERT crash in readgrid.f90?

Again, it is most likely because the version of FLEXPART used to create the grid_time files is different to the default in FLEXINVERT. Check the exact format and output written in FLEXPART by concoutput.f90 and modify readgrid.f90 accordingly.