
About Me

I grew up in a town around 100 km from Athens, where I lived until 18 years old. Then, I moved to Ioannina city for my Bachelor studies in chemistry at the local university. Next stop, the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, where I got my Masters in Chemistry and Environmental Technology. My MSc thesis (Environmental Radioactivity & Aerosol technology for atmospheric and Climate impacT Lab (EnRACT), former Environmental Radioactivity Laboratory) was "Cesium– 137 horizontal dispersion and vertical distribution in the water column of Corinthiakos and Patraikos Gulf: Determination of activity concentrations using two methods, in comparison - pdf". Then, I started a PhD in Chemistry under the same collaboration (University of Athens & NCSR "Demokritos") awarded a 4-year scholarship. The thesis (Study on the distribution of radioisotopes and trace elements in the marine environment - pdf) was related to the fields of Isotopic Geochemistry and Marine Radiochemistry and was completed in 2010.
I worked at the same laboratory for 1 more year as a postdoctoral researcher and in January 2012, I moved to Paris, France, to start another postdoc at the Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement (LSCE). The LSCE is a laboratory related to the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), the French Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) and the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin (UVSQ). My work at the LSCE (under the supervision of Dr. Yves Balkanski and Dr. Anders Moller) dealt with aerosol modeling of radionuclides and BC emitted from biomass burning.
Since October 2014, I have moved to Oslo (Norway), where I worked with the FLEXPART group of Dr. Andreas Stohl. I am currently a senior researcher at NILU. My main research interests refer to atmospheric dispersion modelling and inverse modeling of aerosols and gases and improvement of the current knowledge of the source inventory of radionuclides after accidental releases. More recently, I have started exploring the importance of microplastics in the global atmosphere and their role as potential climate forcers.